FILM FEATURE: “Le Clan / Three Dancing Slaves” (France) 2004

26 02 2011

Country: France
Language: French
Selectable Subtitles: ENG, ESP, POR
Genres: Drama, Romance
Length: 1 h : 30 min
Director: Gaël Morel

This remarkable motion picture from the renown french director Gaël Morel, award winning French writer-director (Full Speed, Under Another Sky) and actor (Wild Reeds), is a harrowing, intense gay-themed drama of existential philosophy, youth, destruction, rebellion, redemption and love. Set against the backdrop of a sultry countryside near the French Alps, three motherless brothers collectively face the challenges of adulthood. There is Marc (Nicolas Cazale), a burgeoning criminal; Christophe (Stephane Rideau, Come Undone), who is trying to re-start his life after prison; and Olivier (Thomas Dumarchez), a capoeira fighter in love. As the young brothers wrestle with their transitions into manhood, they must each escape the tyrannical rule of their father to carve out their own places in life. Stunning cinematography and powerful performances help make Three Dancing Slaves an erotic, breathtaking film about family and the struggle of making your mark on the world around you. The film does not have an obvious ending; which marks the art house apporach of the cinematographer and leaves space for the viewer’s meditation.

DOWNLOAD LINK 1 (torrent):

703 MB:

DOWNLOAD LINK 2 (torrent):

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DOWNLOAD LINKS 3 (all 4 parts are compulsory) 703 MB:


MOTTO: We live in a very homophobic world full of prejudice and violence against LGBT community. Let’s change the world, reeducate the world in a good spirit! Let’s explain directly and indirectly to people how important is to respect and treat the LGBT community just as everyone else. Spread the word! Share the movie with your straight and gay friends. A picture says a 1000 words. A Movie – says a Million words.